Edgar Allan Poe Nacht im Amerika Haus München am 15.01.09 ab 19.30 Uhr.
Der amerikanische Schriftsteller Edgar Allan Poe wäre am 19. Januar 200 Jahre alt geworden. Der US-amerikanische Schriftsteller prägte entscheidend die Genres der Kriminalliteratur, der Science Fiction und der Horrorstory.
Im Amerika Haus widmet man ihm eine ganze Nacht, in der eine gruselig-szenische Performance aufgeführt wird.
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 7.30 p.m.
200th birthday Edgar Allan Poe
„Once upon a midnight dreary†œ: The Edgar Allan Poe Night at Amerika Haus
Tickets: € 8 / € 5; reservation at 089-55 25 37-0
Join us for a literary and musical performance honoring America†™s father of the gothic, Edgar Allan Poe. On the occasion of Poe†™s 200th birthday, actor Richard Clodfelter, pianist Paul Flush, and John Kenny on the trombone will present to you a program both haunting and brooding that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Richard Clodfelter has taken part in over 60 international tours of the American Drama Group Europe as actor, manager and director. Jazz pianist Paul Flush has an extensive career as a solo and ensemble artist. John Kenny, trombone, who has performed as solo artist and with ensembles worldwide, is a professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London.
Organizers: B.A.Z. Amerika Haus, Amerika Haus Verein, American Drama Group
Foto: Wikipedia