Break on through to the other side – Top 100 der Scala Musik von 1972 – 1977

Scala Die Scala Music Top 100

Zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Schönenberg (2002), um Anspieltipps ergänzt von Gisbert Wegener (2007). Diese Stücke waren besonders beliebt in der Scala:

1. *** Fever Tree, LP †œFor Sale†, †œHey Joe†
2. *** Fläsket Brinner, (First), †œGanglaten†
3. * Wishbone Ash, LP †œArgus†, †œThe King will come†
4. Rory Gallagher, LP †œLive in Europe†, †œGoing to my hometown†
5. * Alex Harvey, LP †œNext†, †œFaith Heeler†
6. *** Eloy, LP †œInside†, †œFuture City†
7. Caravan, LP †œWaterloo Lily†
8. Manfred Manns Earth Band, LP †œSolar Fire†, †œFather of day, father of night†.
9. * Cressida LP †œAsylum†, †œSummer Weekend for a Lifetime†
10. * Blonde on Blonde, LP †œRebirth†, †œCastle in the Sky†
11. * Birth Control, LP †œHoodoo Man† †œGamma Ray†
12. * Lynyrd Skynyrd, LP †œPronounced …† †œFree Bird†
13. * Audience, LP †œHouse on the Hill†, †œHouse on the Hill†
14. Black Widow
15. Beggars Opera, LP †œAct one†
16. Greatest Show on Earth †œLP Horizons†
17. * Steamhammer, LP Same, †œJunior Wailing†
18. Canned Heat, LP †œLivin†™ the blues†, †œGoing up the Country†
19. Renaissance, LP †œFirst†, †œKings & Queens†
20. Epitaph, LP †œLook and Listen†
21. *Rare Bird LP †œAs your mind flies by†, †œAs your mind flies by†
22. Van der Graf Generator LP †œH to He Who am the only one†, Killer
23. * Savoy Brown (†œA step further†) Savoy Brown Boogie
24. Camel LP †œMirage†
25. Frumpy LP †œLive†, †œTake care of illusion†
26. Novalis, LP †œSommerabend†
27. Collosseum †œValentyne Suite†
28. * Emtidi, LP „Saat†œ, †œDie Reise†
29. Titanic †œEagle Rock†
30. Hawkwind LP †œIn Search of Space†, †œSilver machine†
31. *** Cockney Rebel LP †œPsychomodo†, †œRitz2
32. Golden Earing †œEight miles high†
33. Livin Blues, LP †œBamboozle†
34. Solution, LP †œCordon bleu†
35. * The Old man and the sea, LP Same,†œ Princess†
36. *** Brainbox †œSummertime†
37. Robin Trower †œDay of the Eagle†
38. *** Babe Ruth, LP †œFirst Base†, †œThe Mexican†
39. *** Nazareth, LP Same †œMorning Dew†
40. Grobschnitt, LP †œSame†
41. Jane, LP Same
42. *** Alquin LP †œMarks† †œI wish I could†
43. Focus LP †œMoving waves†, †œHokus Pokus†
44. Streetmark
45. * Cuby and the Blizzard, LP †œAppleknockers Flophouse† †œAppleknockers Flophouse†
46. * Sweet Smoke †œJust a poke†
47. *** Ray Manzarek †œGolden Scarab†
48. * Ramses, LP †œLa Leyla†, †œLa Leyla†
49. Procul Harum †œBroken Barricades†
50. * Taste LP †œOn the Boards†, †œWhat†™s going on†
51. * John Mayall †œRoom to move†
52. * Curved Air Live †œBack Street Luv† (sic)
53. Sparks
54. Jim Capaldi LP †œWhole meet again†
55. Hölderlins, LP †œTraum†, †œTraum†
56. * Its a beautiful Day, LP †œSame†, †œWhite bird†
57. *** Jody Grind LP †œException†, †œOne step on†
58. A Band called O, LP †œWithin reach†
59. * Strawbs, LP †œHero and Heroine†, †œHero and Heroine†
60. Nektar, LP †œA tag in the ocean†
61. * Mr. Big, LP †œSweet Silence†
62. *** Steel Mill, LP †œGreen eyed God†, †œGreen eyed god†
63. *** Jericho LP, †œSame† †œDon†™t you let me down† + †œJustin and nova†
64. *Jonny Rivers, LP †œLive at the whiskey a gogo†
65. Omega, LP †œSame†
66. Parzival, LP †œBarock†
67. Malo, LP †œEvolutions†
68. Heads Hand and Feat Lp Same
69. * Brian Augers Oblivion Express LP †œCloser to It†, †œCompared to What!†
70. Amon Düül II †œSame†
71. East of Eden †œJig a Jig†
72. Earth & Fire †œMemories†
73. ***King Crimson, Same, †œ21st Century Schizzoid Man†
74. *** Strife Lp †œRush† †œIndian Dream†
75. Nice, Lp †œThe Thougts of Emerlist Davjack†œ,
76. *** New Trolls, Lp †œConcerto grosso N.1†
77. Pretty Things, Lp †œSilk Torpedo†
78. Geordie LP †œHope you like it†
79. Argent LP †œAll together now†
80. *** Dust, LP Same, †œStone Woman†
81. Wallenstein
82. *** Velvett Fogg, LP †œplus†, †œYellow Cave Woman†
83. *** Ramases, LP Same, †œLive Child†
84. Stray †œLP Suizide†
85. Chicken Shack LP †œUnlucky Boy†
86. Aphrodite†™s child, Lp 666
87. Nilsson LP Schmilsson
88. Atlantis LP live
89. Quatermass Same
90. Midnight sun LP Same
91. Paladin LP †œCharge†
92. Triumvirat LP … Spartacus
93. *** Armageddon LP Same †œBuzzard†
94. Manassas LP †œDown the road†
95. ***Wind LP †œSeasons†
96. Help Yourself LP Beware of the Shadow
97. Jade Warior LP †œLost Autumns Dream†
98. Tangerine Dream LP †œRicochet†, †œRicochet†
99. May Blitz LP „Same†œ
100. Booker T & MGs Lp †œMelting pot†, †œGreen Onions†

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