Die Scala Music Top 100
Zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Schönenberg (2002), um Anspieltipps ergänzt von Gisbert Wegener (2007). Diese Stücke waren besonders beliebt in der Scala:
1. *** Fever Tree, LP †œFor Sale†, †œHey Joe†
2. *** Fläsket Brinner, (First), †œGanglaten†
3. * Wishbone Ash, LP †œArgus†, †œThe King will come†
4. Rory Gallagher, LP †œLive in Europe†, †œGoing to my hometown†
5. * Alex Harvey, LP †œNext†, †œFaith Heeler†
6. *** Eloy, LP †œInside†, †œFuture City†
7. Caravan, LP †œWaterloo Lily†
8. Manfred Manns Earth Band, LP †œSolar Fire†, †œFather of day, father of night†.
9. * Cressida LP †œAsylum†, †œSummer Weekend for a Lifetime†
10. * Blonde on Blonde, LP †œRebirth†, †œCastle in the Sky†
11. * Birth Control, LP †œHoodoo Man† †œGamma Ray†
12. * Lynyrd Skynyrd, LP †œPronounced …† †œFree Bird†
13. * Audience, LP †œHouse on the Hill†, †œHouse on the Hill†
14. Black Widow
15. Beggars Opera, LP †œAct one†
16. Greatest Show on Earth †œLP Horizons†
17. * Steamhammer, LP Same, †œJunior Wailing†
18. Canned Heat, LP †œLivin†™ the blues†, †œGoing up the Country†
19. Renaissance, LP †œFirst†, †œKings & Queens†
20. Epitaph, LP †œLook and Listen†
21. *Rare Bird LP †œAs your mind flies by†, †œAs your mind flies by†
22. Van der Graf Generator LP †œH to He Who am the only one†, Killer
23. * Savoy Brown (†œA step further†) Savoy Brown Boogie
24. Camel LP †œMirage†
25. Frumpy LP †œLive†, †œTake care of illusion†
26. Novalis, LP †œSommerabend†
27. Collosseum †œValentyne Suite†
28. * Emtidi, LP „Saat†œ, †œDie Reise†
29. Titanic †œEagle Rock†
30. Hawkwind LP †œIn Search of Space†, †œSilver machine†
31. *** Cockney Rebel LP †œPsychomodo†, †œRitz2
32. Golden Earing †œEight miles high†
33. Livin Blues, LP †œBamboozle†
34. Solution, LP †œCordon bleu†
35. * The Old man and the sea, LP Same,†œ Princess†
36. *** Brainbox †œSummertime†
37. Robin Trower †œDay of the Eagle†
38. *** Babe Ruth, LP †œFirst Base†, †œThe Mexican†
39. *** Nazareth, LP Same †œMorning Dew†
40. Grobschnitt, LP †œSame†
41. Jane, LP Same
42. *** Alquin LP †œMarks† †œI wish I could†
43. Focus LP †œMoving waves†, †œHokus Pokus†
44. Streetmark
45. * Cuby and the Blizzard, LP †œAppleknockers Flophouse† †œAppleknockers Flophouse†
46. * Sweet Smoke †œJust a poke†
47. *** Ray Manzarek †œGolden Scarab†
48. * Ramses, LP †œLa Leyla†, †œLa Leyla†
49. Procul Harum †œBroken Barricades†
50. * Taste LP †œOn the Boards†, †œWhat†™s going on†
51. * John Mayall †œRoom to move†
52. * Curved Air Live †œBack Street Luv† (sic)
53. Sparks
54. Jim Capaldi LP †œWhole meet again†
55. Hölderlins, LP †œTraum†, †œTraum†
56. * Its a beautiful Day, LP †œSame†, †œWhite bird†
57. *** Jody Grind LP †œException†, †œOne step on†
58. A Band called O, LP †œWithin reach†
59. * Strawbs, LP †œHero and Heroine†, †œHero and Heroine†
60. Nektar, LP †œA tag in the ocean†
61. * Mr. Big, LP †œSweet Silence†
62. *** Steel Mill, LP †œGreen eyed God†, †œGreen eyed god†
63. *** Jericho LP, †œSame† †œDon†™t you let me down† + †œJustin and nova†
64. *Jonny Rivers, LP †œLive at the whiskey a gogo†
65. Omega, LP †œSame†
66. Parzival, LP †œBarock†
67. Malo, LP †œEvolutions†
68. Heads Hand and Feat Lp Same
69. * Brian Augers Oblivion Express LP †œCloser to It†, †œCompared to What!†
70. Amon Düül II †œSame†
71. East of Eden †œJig a Jig†
72. Earth & Fire †œMemories†
73. ***King Crimson, Same, †œ21st Century Schizzoid Man†
74. *** Strife Lp †œRush† †œIndian Dream†
75. Nice, Lp †œThe Thougts of Emerlist Davjack†œ,
76. *** New Trolls, Lp †œConcerto grosso N.1†
77. Pretty Things, Lp †œSilk Torpedo†
78. Geordie LP †œHope you like it†
79. Argent LP †œAll together now†
80. *** Dust, LP Same, †œStone Woman†
81. Wallenstein
82. *** Velvett Fogg, LP †œplus†, †œYellow Cave Woman†
83. *** Ramases, LP Same, †œLive Child†
84. Stray †œLP Suizide†
85. Chicken Shack LP †œUnlucky Boy†
86. Aphrodite†™s child, Lp 666
87. Nilsson LP Schmilsson
88. Atlantis LP live
89. Quatermass Same
90. Midnight sun LP Same
91. Paladin LP †œCharge†
92. Triumvirat LP … Spartacus
93. *** Armageddon LP Same †œBuzzard†
94. Manassas LP †œDown the road†
95. ***Wind LP †œSeasons†
96. Help Yourself LP Beware of the Shadow
97. Jade Warior LP †œLost Autumns Dream†
98. Tangerine Dream LP †œRicochet†, †œRicochet†
99. May Blitz LP „Same†œ
100. Booker T & MGs Lp †œMelting pot†, †œGreen Onions†
Ich habe die Scala Music Top 100 einmal zusammengestellt auf MP3 Format. Nicht alle 100 aber ich glaube es sind 98. Wer interesse hat kann sich melden unter folgender Mail Adresse. klausmoritz.weyhe@gmx.de.
hi Klaus,
das ist ja eine super coole Nachricht – vielen Dank dafür!!!
Kostet das was?
Schön, dass du dir die Mühe gemacht,
hi klausmoritz,
mail an dich ist unterwegs … oder schon da ;-)))
Hallo KlausMoritz,
nochmal besten Dank für die good Muse. Einfach sensationell